21 April 2011

another day of medicine

Today, I ventured farther into the world of modern medicine....

I established a relationship with a naturopathic doctor. His suspicion is that my GI tract is asking for more fiber... (... so he prescribed me some probiotics & a particular cereal recipe for my breakfasts...).

After leaving the doctor's office, I went down the road for a CAT scan. (What a strange sensation... (... feeling the warmth of that contrast solution in my body...)!)

When the CT was finished, the male nurse said I could remove the wristband from my wrist. I didn't think much of it at the time... (... replying that I thought I was going to get blood drawn as well...).

Later in the day---(while washing my hands)---I decided I didn't need to wear the wristband any longer, so I ripped it off... (... & by chance, checked the name on it...).

So, I say to you, Patricia Tison---(wherever you are out there)---may the results of your CAT scan show a healthy GI tract....


Yseult said...

Oh, no! I hope they get all the records straight!

BB said...

It must have been something we were getting at the pub. Perhaps the scotch eggs. I've had the same pain in lower-left ab. I ended up having to get the torturous colonscopy thing. Turned out I had/have mild diverticulitis. The Dr. just makes me take a buttload of fiber pills every 8hrs. I've felt %100 better.

zimdog said...

Laura, I like that there continues to be that doubt. It makes the medical game more fun to play....

Branizzle, I might think mine is diverticulitis too, except that there's no pain with it. It's just a warm pressure (& has since mostly disappeared). I like the Scotch-egg theory though....