27 June 2010

why the chew toy is no longer dead

(a repeat post to show facebook & A.J. who's boss)

I've been telling people here & there, but this is the first mention in full-on, press-release style.

Since early this year, I've been working on a novel-length project. What originated as a 25-page story for a summer workshop later evolved into an 80-page screenplay-story hybrid that played a role in my master's thesis. The tale now continues advancing the full distance by becoming a book-length work of fiction devoted to various themes (mostly U.S. Liberty & wildness [including my main man, Thoreau]).

The tentative (but quite certain) title for this project is The Eventual Case of the Nacirema v. Joe Q. Patriot (& the Walden Fella)... similar to its earlier title as part of my thesis. But while the title remains similar, the word count will change drastically. I published my thesis with a German company called VDM Verlag. The contract with them allows me to re-publish those materials elsewhere as long as I alter at least 20% of the word count. I'd say I'm safely altering far more than that. More like global overhaul... being performed very gradually. (No more rushed deadlines. No more half-assed submissions. When I submit this latest version for publication, it'll be done right, dammit.)

My hope is that I can recover the chew toy as an outlet for updates, realizations, etc. If that happens, I also hope to post some other stories to zimdog pnaws... stories that influenced the sudden onset of The Eventual Case.... (But I'm not gonna post those until I "finish" touching them up, which means taking time away from the bigger picture... and right now, my brain prefers focusing on The Eventual Case....)

In revising from thesis version to book-length version, I'm revamping not only the narrative structure of the tale, but also much of the content. Eventually, I'll be posting sample sections... but only once I have a complete first draft. So for now, I'll just restate what I recently told a friend. One primary goal of the project is to fracture the narrative psyche (... whatever that means).

zimdog's reason for not blogging

why the chew toy is no longer dead

I've been telling people here & there, but this is the first mention in full-on, press-release style.

Since early this year, I've been working on a novel-length project. What originated as a 25-page story for a summer workshop later evolved into an 80-page screenplay-story hybrid that played a role in my master's thesis. The tale now continues advancing the full distance by becoming a book-length work of fiction devoted to various themes (mostly U.S. Liberty & wildness [including my main man, Thoreau]).

The tentative (but quite certain) title for this project is The Eventual Case of the Nacirema v. Joe Q. Patriot (& the Walden Fella)... similar to its earlier title as part of my thesis. But while the title remains similar, the word count will change drastically. I published my thesis with a German company called VDM Verlag. The contract with them allows me to re-publish those materials elsewhere as long as I alter at least 20% of the word count. I'd say I'm safely altering far more than that. More like global overhaul... being performed very gradually. (No more rushed deadlines. No more half-assed submissions. When I submit this latest version for publication, it'll be done right, dammit.)

My hope is that I can recover the chew toy as an outlet for updates, realizations, etc. If that happens, I also hope to post some other stories to zimdog pnaws... stories that influenced the sudden onset of The Eventual Case.... (But I'm not gonna post those until I "finish" touching them up, which means taking time away from the bigger picture... and right now, my brain prefers focusing on The Eventual Case....)

In revising from thesis version to book-length version, I'm revamping not only the narrative structure of the tale, but also much of the content. Eventually, I'll be posting sample sections... but only once I have a complete first draft. So for now, I'll just restate what I recently told a friend. One primary goal of the project is to fracture the narrative psyche (... whatever that means).