Funny (not really), but because the Golden Gate is known for its suicides, Emily snapped a quick pic of one of the "Don't Do It!" phones.
We had no intentions of becoming statistics though, so we drove on toward California's wine Mecca. This is the only winery we stopped at in Sonoma...
Later, we wished we'd hung out more in Sonoma. True, there are more Napa wineries and they are closer together than the Sonoma sites, but some of the tasting rooms in Napa are by appointment only (snobby), and seemed less personal somehow.
Also, the road was a fucking mess most of the day. At one point, it took us 30 or so minutes to go a mile.
Because of the traffic, we never made it to the one winery Emily really wanted to see. We still tried some nice wines though. My favorites, for taste and feel, were Milat and Arger-Martucci.
When the tasting rooms started closing for the day, we drove back to San Francisco. Tthe Golden Gate...
...and Alcatraz...
...let us know we had arrived. Before we returned the car though, we had one more thing to do:
After a drive down Lombard Street, we met Leif and his fiancee Sharilyn (our gracious San Fran hosts) for drinks at a bar called Zeitgeist. I highly recommend this place for drinkers visiting San Francisco. If you can't find directions online, e-mail me and I can get you its street intersection.
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