Today, I ventured farther into the world of modern medicine....
I established a relationship with a naturopathic doctor. His suspicion is that my GI tract is asking for more fiber... (... so he prescribed me some probiotics & a particular cereal recipe for my breakfasts...).
After leaving the doctor's office, I went down the road for a CAT scan. (What a strange sensation... (... feeling the warmth of that contrast solution in my body...)!)
When the CT was finished, the male nurse said I could remove the wristband from my wrist. I didn't think much of it at the time... (... replying that I thought I was going to get blood drawn as well...).
Later in the day---(while washing my hands)---I decided I didn't need to wear the wristband any longer, so I ripped it off... (... & by chance, checked the name on it...).
So, I say to you, Patricia Tison---(wherever you are out there)---may the results of your CAT scan show a healthy GI tract....