When I decided the title of this post, I imagined my wife---(dr. e-z)---singing "Oh, What A Beautiful Morning...."
(And, it was definitely that...!)
I woke up before dawn & watched the end of a total lunar eclipse....
(The intent of waking was---(eventually)---to write....)
But---(first)---I made breakfast & grabbed my laptop; up in the studio, I got the heater running....
When I opened the studio window to check on the eclipse---(from a higher vantage point than the yard, where I'd previously been watching)---dawn was presenting more... (... as was light cloud-cover...,)... all along the Western horizon...).
(...(... but...,)... still visible was the mostly red, partially-eclipsed Moon... (... so, I put Disc I of
Pulse into the CD player...).)
... one more magical experience with that album... (... like Carlsonian Residue* on the disc...).
(For more on Carlsonian Residue, open the
Post-Notes in a New Tab/Window....)
And, then...?
The eclipse became spotty in the clouds... (... which were now slightly more front-lit by sunlight...).
(In the gathering clouds, "Shine On You Crazy Diamond" took shape... (... & a slice of Moon shone through the clouds...).)
When the section of Moon-sliver burst through the edge of the clouds, a distant sea bird appeared... (... as if from the Moon jewel...).
(... or... (... rather...,)... the bird came to My more immediate attention... (... like those first few stars of dusk that suddenly become visible... (... despite having been there all along!!!))!)
As a few more---(or the same)---birds (re-)appeared in that spot, I was compelled to study the moment....
(... birds circling... (... between Me & the lunar eclipse...).)
Come on---(you target for faraway laughter)---& shine!!!**(If necessary, re-open the
The clouds did some more eclipsing of the still-red Moon... (... & I doubted if this lunar eclipse would remain visible for much longer... (... before the Sun would dilute its power... (... & the eventual turn of the Earth would wash it from view...))).
. . . .
I have been wanting to post an update on the book... (... which I
first mentioned so long ago now...).
The author---(c.d.zim)---is still writing... (... & developing the first draft...). But---(now)---the book has so-much-more shape than it did before....
(For this, the author is deeply grateful to a writerly friend, Ian McCarthy... (... who came up with the idea of starting a writer's group...).)
Thus---(in trading chapters with a writer)---the author received constructive comments on the first half of
The (Eventual) Case...!
(In exchange, I offered comments on chapters from Ian's work-in-progress... (... a pulp-fiction novel called
Bloody Money...).)
The only problem is---(since August)---the author's fellow workshopper has been absent from Tacoma....
(In August, Ian moved halfway across the country; nevertheless, the author solaces in this absence....)
Luckily, we live in a technological age that permits collaboration via e-mail....
(Also of note: I am currently on holiday break from tutoring... (... which means the author is hard at work, prepping chapters for Ian to read... (... in 2012!!!)).)
My hope is that a full draft of the book exists by March... (... & My dream-of-dreams is that it will then quickly be revised... (... & published!!!)?)
We---(Me included)---are forced to wait-&-see what true cases will be....
(In the meantime...,)
Pulse is there... (... coating me like a warm blanket...).)
Happy surfin', y'all!!!